Generic Layout Details

The Generic Layout provides predetermined fields and is PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant.

Refer to the table below for layout details.

Field Database Field Name Length Status Default Value Notes
Version 1 Required 0 Must be 0.
Transaction ID BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.transaction_id 65 Required
Transaction Type BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.s_type_cd 10 Optional EXP_BATCH_TYPE.S_TYPE_CD Valid values include:
Employee ID BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.empl_id 20 Optional EXP_BATCH_TYPE.DFLT_EMPL_ID If unassigned it will default based on batch type rules.
Expense Date BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.expense_dt 8 Required For example, 20160225
Provider Code BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.provider_cd 20 Optional EXP_BATCH_TYPE.DFLT_PROV_ID
Merchant Name BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.merchant_name 40 Optional
Ticket # BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.ticket_number_s 20 Optional
Departure Date BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.departure_dtt 8 Optional For example, 20160225
Return Date BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.return_dtt 6 Optional For example, 20160225
Units BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.unit_no 6 Optional
Trans Currency Code BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.trans_currency_cd 3 Required Currency in which the transaction was incurred.
Pay Currency Code BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.PAY_CURRENCY_CD 3 Required Currency in which the user is paid or the company is billed.
Trans Unit Rate BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.trans_unit_rate 15 Optional 0.00
Trans Daily Room Rate BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.trans_daily_room_rate 15 Optional 0.00
Trans Daily Tax Rate BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.trans_daily_tax_rate 15 Optional 0.00
Trans Amount BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.trans_incurred_amt 15 Required 0.00
Trans Tax Amount BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.trans_tax_amt 15 Optional 0.00
Pay Incurred Amount 15 Optional 0.00 Required if the transaction currency does not match the pay currency. Used to calculate exchange rate.
Start Date BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.start_dt 8 Optional Expense Date For example, 20160225
End Date BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.end_dt 8 Optional Expense Date For example, 20160225
0 # of Days BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.days_nights_no 6 Optional 0
Itinerary Text BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.itinerary_text 60 Optional
Comments Text BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.comments_text 254 Optional
Personal Flag BATCH_EXPENSE_EDIT.personal_Fl 1 Optional N